Shoulder pain is a common issue and can effect people’s lives to different degrees. A wide range of conditions can cause shoulder pain including injuries, overuse, or chronic conditions such as frozen shoulder and periarthritis. Treating shoulder pain effectively is important for regaining agility and mobility.
Request AppointmentMost often when people experience pain in their shoulders, they quickly attribute it to an injury that must have occurred at the shoulder area. However, there are times when shoulder pain is actually caused by an injury to another area in the body such as an organ. This phenomenon is known as referred pain, where pain originating in an internal organ is felt in another area.
Common examples of referred shoulder pain include diaphragmatic irritation of the phrenic nerve, Kehr’s sign (shoulder pain due to splenic rupture), a heart condition, perforated peptic ulcer, ectopic pregnancy ruptures, peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal lining), and pneumonia or lung inflammation. In such situations, the shoulder pain is actually a secondary symptom and it is important to get immediate medical attention for the underlying issue. It is recommended to have a medical consultation to rule out any concerning medical condition. If shoulder pain continues after the medical condition is stabilized, a holistic physiotherapist can provide visceral manipulation therapy along with physiotherapy for a more complete recovery.
Physiotherapy involves physical treatment methods like exercise, manual therapy, and education aimed at treating as well as preventing injuries and disabilities. In relation to shoulder pain, physiotherapy aims to:
Find UsThe use of cold therapy and other manual therapies can reduce the swelling in inflamed shoulders, which are known to be painful.
Physiotherapy helps bring back the range of motion that has been impaired by pain, injury or stiffness in the shoulder through specific exercises and stretches.
These activities focus on muscles around the joint enhancing stability and strength as well as providing increased protection to the area to reduce the possibility of future injury.
Physiotherapists include education and post-treatment exercises plans as part of the overall plan to empower clients with pro-active physio-health practices that can protect the body from future injury.
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Physiotherapy can be helpful for patients at different stages of their shoulder pains. Early intervention is very important in preventing conditions like frozen shoulders or periarteritis from progressing. People who may benefit from physiotherapy include those suffering from:
Shoulder pain results from different causes that need varied treatment options due to their specificity. Here are some common causes of shoulder pain:
Given the different possible causes of shoulder pain, identifying the specific cause is essential in order to develop an effective physiotherapy treatment plan that is best suited for the condition.
The approach to relief from shoulder pain through physiotherapy encompasses various techniques that are meant to reduce pain, increase mobility, and restore function. Physiotherapy for shoulder pain is provided by an expert therapist with an individualized physiotherapy treatment plan that is customized to meet the treatment needs of each client’s specific situation. Whether it is an acute injury, like a rotator cuff tear, or a long-term disorder, such as a frozen shoulder, physiotherapists identify the biomechanics concerns that are contributing to the pain and the treatment plan that is needed to shift the pattern through physiotherapy techniques.
In addition to shoulder pain, our wellness center offers specialized physiotherapy treatments for a wide range of conditions, including
Physiotherapy For Neck Pain, Physiotherapy For Lower Back pain
A typical session of holistic physiotherapy for persons suffering from shoulder pain starts with a comprehensive assessment that aims at identifying the cause source while determining an appropriate treatment plan. The treatment plan is then discussed with the client and, with the client’s approval, treatment can begin. Assessment of progress is done at each session to fine-tune the treatment as needed and continue toward recovery. Consistent treatment then provides gradual improvement in mobility levels and overall functionality of the shoulder joint, together with a reduction in levels of discomfort experienced by patients due to pain.
Research & evidence, together with best clinical practice, show the high effectiveness of physiotherapy in shoulder management. Be it chronic conditions, e.g. frozen shoulders or acute trauma, physiotherapy can result in a remarkable decrease in pain levels, improved functioning, as well as a better quality of life. Regular visits for physiotherapy can help patients avoid future episodes of shoulder problems or their recurrence at the minimum level possible.