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Depression is a major health concern globally. The World Health Organization identified depression as a leading cause of disability worldwide with 5% of adults suffering from depression (World Health Organization: WHO & World Health Organization: WHO, 2023).

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Adults suffer from Depression


More common among women than men


Of pregnant Women or postnatal experience depression

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Depression & Health

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Depression impacts women more than men, however, it is important to be aware that depression also significantly impacts men. Symptoms may appear differently, between men and women, but the state of depression would still be the underlying feature. For example, anger is a common symptom of depression among men but not a common one among women.

Most recently, there has been a significant rise of depression, and even severe depression, among new mothers and pregnant women. According to the WHO, up to 10% of pregnant women and new mothers, struggle with depression, and it is likely that many more struggle silently. Depression impacts both the mother and the baby and, indeed, the well-being of the family as a whole. Providing women with holistic pre and postnatal care is a crucial part of holistic health.

Depression is often correlated with other health conditions as well. As such, approaching the treatment of depression from a holistic lens is important. However, often, people neglect or are unaware of the connection between depression and other health conditions, and tend to think of it in isolation. In fact,depression has a serious effect on the immune system and increases the risk of other health problems. Research has found that “85% of people with major depression also have at least one other serious health condition” (Co-occuring disorders and depression, N.D).

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Common Symptoms of Depression

Depression is more than feeling down. It is a mixture of different symptoms that effects people’s health and quality of life. Common symptoms of depression include: 

  • Depressed mood
  • Loss of interest
  • Inability to feel pleasure
  • Weight loss/weight gain
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Agitation / slowness
  • Fatigue
  • Low self esteem, feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Difficulty with concentration
  • Suicidal thoughts or thoughts of death

If you think you may have depression, or are concerned that a friend or family member may be struggling with depression, seek out help. Explore our depression calculator as a self-reflection tool. You can easily share the results of your calculator with our team of health professionals to get further guidance and support as needed.

Checkup: Doing a physical health checkup is a must, as it can help to identify addressable factors that may be contributing to depression. This includes (Lantz, 2023): 

  • Thyroid imbalance (hyper/hypo thyroidism)
  • Sleep Disturbance
  • Low Vitamin B12
  • Iron Deficiency Anemia
  • Low Vitamin D
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Research finds homeopathy provided similar results for depression treatment as fluoxetine (e.g. Prozac) in the treatment of depression.

Homeopathy & Depression
Consult with our Homeopath

One of the most common approaches to treating depression is psychiatric medication. This can be a very important approach that many find helpful. It can allow clients to reclaim a sense of quality and functionality in their life. However, psychiatric treatment has its challenges and limitations. These have to do with both the attitude of the client and with the aspects of the drug itself. Some clients have a fear and resistance towards the use of psychiatric medication, some are inconsistent with taking their medication, some struggle or have concerns about the adverse effects of psychiatric treatment, and lastly, some do not experience much improvement even when compliant with the medication. Homeopathic physicians present an alternative treatment that may be suitable for those with such challenges

Homeopathy is an individualistic, step-by-step treatment method. Though two people may have the same diagnosis, homeopathic physicians follow a holistic approach to assessment and care for their clients. They approach the treatment strategy by considering the history, understanding the client's lifestyle patterns and selecting the type and intensity of remedies to suit each person. The treatment is then a process by which the homeopath and the client continue together and modify the remedy as the symptoms shift. It is a journey that is supported phase by phase, step by step, along the treatment period. Studies have found that homeopathic treatment can have similar results as the common psychiatric medication fluoxetine found in most common anti-depressant medications.

At bmy, collaborating with a homeopathic doctor for your care presents a naturalistic medicinal alternative for the treatment of depression.

Upright posture is associated with increased ability to recall positive events. A study found upright posture manipulation resulted in higher positive affect and greater verbal engagement than slouched posture.

Holistic Physiotherapy & Depression
Speak to our Holistic Physiotherapist

Although conventional treatment of depression typically focuses on the mental aspects of the disorder, it is important to remember the body-mind connection. There is no doubt that exercise is an important part of treatment for depression. These need not be overly vigorous, what matters is moving the body and engaging with the sense of muscle. Research has found that exercising just twice a week can reduce depressive episodes by 25%.

The physical aspect of depression and its impact on the body is often easy to recognize, as depression can be understood as a kind of system shutdown. People with depression tend to move slower, appear tired, and have slumped shoulders Research has found that a simple shift in posture can make a significant change in depressive states. According to research, recalling happy events takes longer and is more difficult to do in a slouched posture.

A study demonstrated that, participants whose posture was adjusted into an upright posture with the use of physiotherapy tape had a higher positive affect and greater verbal engagement than those in a stooped posture. This matters. Increasing the ability to connect with positive thoughts and emotions is an important part of shifting the depression pattern. It is also worth considering that yoga and Pilates practices include shifts in postures. As such, including yoga or Pilates as part of the weekly exercise routine is an important part of holistic healthcare.

A holistic approach to treating depression is important not only because of the physical and mental aspects of depression but also because of the prevalence of occurrence of other health issues as well.

Holistic Psychotherapy & Depression
Contact Our Holistic Psychotherapist

When people are struggling with depression, they often have difficulty with emotion regulation and are inhibited by maladaptive cognitive patterns. There is often a sense of hopelessness, difficulty with motivation, and struggle with social connections. A holistic psychotherapist is able to hold the different aspects of depression in mind and work with clients to develop helpful coping skills, increase intrinsic emotion regulation, and explore different ways to improve life engagement to bring more balance, resilience, and wellness.

At bmy, the inclusion of holistic psychotherapy and somatic therapy modalities for the treatment of depression follows the stress and trauma physiology perspectives presented by leaders in the field such as Dr. Stephen Porges and his Polyvagal Theory and Dr. Peter Levine and his Somatic Experiencing model and approach. These perspectives consider depression as a frozen state and recognize the value of bringing more regulation to the physiology through comprehensive somatic modalities. You can read more about this in our e-Mag article: The somatic layers of depression.

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