The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


This is the story of two sisters who set off in different directions only to find themselves on similar paths. Their intertwining journeys of healing and self-discovery led to the creation of Body Mind You Holistic Wellness, a space entirely dedicated to supporting and celebrating wellness. 

How do you summarize the life experience of one person, let alone two? Let’s start by saying that life has been wonderfully generous to Nora and Zena. They were born to a loving family who helped them see that there is value in both hard work and play, encouraging them to explore new grounds in pursuit of different learning opportunities. Yet they also each had their own struggles and challenges that they had to navigate and overcome. 

One day, the two sisters got to talking about what mattered most to them and it was a revelation. They were both seeking the same thing – that special brand of vitality that makes you feel alive and connected to the source of it all. An idea started to take shape as they exchanged thoughts about their experiences of naturalistic methods, alternative health, somatic therapy, voice workshops and more. They would join forces and create a space dedicated to integrating these different healing modalities. 

It didn’t happen overnight, of course. Their vision of BMY grew gradually and organically out of a series of life-changing moments and events revolving around connection, self-discovery and wellness. 

One such moment for Nora was a day back in Middle School when she was unexpectedly called to the counsellor’s office. She was a good student who took part in sports and other school activities, so she didn’t understand why she was being summoned. She had no idea that her teachers had expressed concern about her frequent stomach aches. None of the specialists her parents had taken her to had ever thought to ask Nora about her feelings. That single session with the counsellor was a pivotal moment. For the very first time, Nora felt witnessed as a person. Someone had recognized the complexity of the multi-layers of thoughts, feelings, emotions and pain she carried inside. A seed was planted in her young mind that day. It hinted at the connection between emotional and physical pain, and at the gift of regaining a truer sense of self simply by being seen and acknowledged.

Nora’s professional life took her down different roads. She completed an MBA and worked in banking for several years. But things did not feel quite right. Whatever direction her life took, the pull of inner health and wellness continued to tug at her. This internal calling was ever present and would not be ignored. She would eventually go on to study different avenues in the field of psychotherapy: Psychosynthesis, Transpersonal Psychology, Energy Healing and Somatic Therapy. Each exposure expanded her consciousness, making one thing increasing clear – the human experience has so much more to offer than what meets the eye.

As for Zena, who was often driven by a desire to understand, an equally rich and varied journey was waiting in store. She studied Arab and Islamic art and archaeology, and worked as a journalist and cultural researcher. While completing her thesis, she became disillusioned by colonial power dynamics and the prejudiced way in which colonizers dictate the categorization and interpretation of information in the field of Arab and Islamic cultural studies. And while completing a program at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, life away from home also had its challenges. She began to feel the pull of depression taking over. Thankfully, she came upon a little something called a ‘yoga’ class, and as she became more aware of breath and movement, Zena was surprised at the extent to which her mind calmed down and her vision cleared. The experience encouraged her to study somatics and it quickly became apparent to Zena that the human body is itself the carrier of history, truer than books, and that history will keep repeating itself unless healing happens. 

Practicing yoga helped Zena regain her balance in the face of adversity. It became a source of strength that she was eager to share with everybody, especially with people who did not usually have access to it. Zena felt that yoga was meant to be more than the elite trend it had become. She became passionate about teaching it in contexts of social work and humanitarian aid, making this empowering knowledge accessible to those who are overwhelmed, tired and weak, those who history does not give a voice to. By creating safe spaces where everyone can feel welcome, where cultural values and individual life experiences are respected, and simple practices of movement and breath can be offered, Zena could see how integrity could be restored and how trauma, even collective trauma, could be released. She could see a brighter kind of mosaic emerge.

And so it was that two sisters with very different life experiences came together to bring BMY to life. They envisioned a safe space where people could slow down and allow their inner truth to unfold. They called on the wisdom of holistic care to create greater harmony, balance and ease. They also gave BMY heart by infusing everything they do with three core beliefs:

  • We are all multi-dimensional beings capable of so much more than we think,
  • The source of healing and transformation lies within us,
  • Authenticity creates empowerment and slowing down is what helps us tune in to deeper truths that give us power, support and direction in life.

Welcome to BMY. Have a nice life!

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