Get Your Personalized Health Score!

Sometimes it’s difficult to tell if we’re coping well or if some of the symptoms or patterns we’re experiencing deserve extra attention and care. This can be especially true for the often less tangiable experiences of anxiety, depression and stress. The below complimentary interactive “self-checkup” calculators have been created as a starting tool to reflect on your current state of wellness.

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How Bad is my Anxiety

Do you get nervous now and then? Do you worry things won’t go well? Do you feel tense, restless or have difficulty sleeping?

Try the to explore if anxiety may be effecting you.

Calculate Your Score Now
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Am I Depressed?

Has it been a bad day? A bad week? Are you having difficulty lifting yourself up? Depression happens on a spectrum.

Try the to explore if depression may be effecting you.

Calculate Your Score Now
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My Stress Immunity

How is your stress response? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Dealing with a lot? Or maybe minor things are going on, but you’re feeling stressed nonetheless?

Try our to explore if stress may be effecting you.

Calculate Your Score Now
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How this works

The road to begins with curiosity.

Our online screening tools are primarily opportunities for your own self reflection. They are not diagnostic instruments. It’s essential to consult with a health professional for comprehensive assessment and appropriate support.

These tools are intended for adults only. If you are below 18 years of age, please speak with an adult that you trust in your family, and together, make an appointment to speak with a healthcare provider about your health concerns.  

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